Sheriff Honsal may be named project manager for jail expansion

Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- The Humboldt County Jail is expected to expand by September of 2020. A new wing will be added to the current facility, offering more than 40 new beds and resources for inmates that will directly target the prevention of recidivism. Mental health resources will be available, as well as sheriff’s work programs and resources for managing and conquering addiction.

Because the new facility will reach into the current dirt parking lot flanking the jail, underground parking will account for a key feature in the expansion. The total cost of construction is estimated at $22.8 million. Twenty million dollars have been approved at the state level under funds allotted by Senate Bill 863. The remaining $2.8 million will come from the county coffers.

The $20 million is a set amount, and the September completion date optimistic. The smoother the process can be made, the more likely costs to the county will remain low.

That’s why the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors is looking to Sheriff William Honsal to take point on the project. On Tuesday they’re expected to grant him authority as an official project manager. What that means? The board will not have to vote on smaller “red tape” matters during the approval, bidding and construction process.

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