Unemployment rate drops in Humboldt: September job stats released


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- The unemployment rate in Humboldt County is 3.9% according to data released this week by the state Employment Development department. Between August and September there was a one percent overall increase in employment.

According to Randy Weaver, the Labor Market Consultant for the North Coast Region, the lowest unemployment rates in Humboldt County usually come in around September and October. This is because of a data collection delay. Those seeking jobs that find work in the summer months appear on those fall reports.

Because of tourism and other fare weather industry in the area, the largest employment spike happen in the summer. Humboldt County has an economy that fluctuates with the seasons. Still that doesn’t mean the recent unemployment plunge is any less encouraging.

According to Weaver, “That [3.9%] is probably one of the lowest rates we’ve seen in recent history in the county, so it represents a positive for the local economy.”