Brothers Touring the West Coast Spreading Awareness About Plastic Pollution Problem


FORTUNA, Ca. (KIEM) – Living here on the North Coast, we care a lot about where we live and keeping our community beautiful. A pair of brothers are shedding light to plastic pollution and one of their stops, Fortuna Middle School

It’s a worldwide problem that we, who live on this planet face.

Plastic and pollution in our oceans. 

“This a global problem and there are communities all over the world taking action against plastic pollution,” said Hans Shippers, a member of Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.

Nicholas and Hans Shippers are brothers. They’re part of Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii. They’re traveling down the west coast, teaching kids the effects of plastic.

“A couple schools we taught at messaged us a month, two months into our trip,” says Hans. “They say ‘Hey thank you guys for coming, we band Styrofoam lunch trays at our school.’”

So far, they’ve educated over 3000 kids about the plastic pollution epidemic. Their goal is to teach 10,000 students about the plastic problem.

But their takeaway for the kids? No matter how old you are. You can always make a difference.

“We really press on the idea that individual action affected upon millions equals results,” said Nicholas Shipper. “Even just that small step of bringing a reusable water bottle or participating in a beach cleanup or doing something very small it does make a big difference and it does add up.”

You don’t have to be a big star, to make big changes.

“You don’t have to be an NFL player or an NBA star to make a difference,” said Julie Johansen, Fortuna Middle School Principal. “You can make a difference just by doing the small things.”

Their journey doesn’t stop. After the North Coast, they plan to head to San Francisco, with their final stop being in San Diego.

If you would like to learn more about their tour, you can check out their Instagram page @SCHROADTRIP.

If you want to show your support, you can check out their Go Fund Me page:

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