Heat Safety Tips For The Summer

EUREKA, Ca. (KIEM)– As warm weather continues to impact the North Coast, there is an increased risk of heat-related illnesses from time in the sun.

Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office says individuals over 65 years-old and children under 4 are most susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Tips to help combat: find air conditioning, drink plenty of water and try to limit outdoor time especially during peak times.

It is important to remember that while along the coast, it may not be too hot but your car can heat up rather quickly. If temperatures outside is 70-degrees, your car can heat up in minutes to 90-degrees, according to the ASPCA. Always remember to check for your children and pets before exiting a vehicle. Cracking a window is not enough ventilation.

Be smart and stay safe out on these warm Summer days.

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