Two Utility Boxes Get a Makeover in Eureka


Eureka, Ca. (KIEM) — Some newly painted utility boxes are making their debut here in eureka. Redwood news sat down with the artist who used her past work as a biologist for Caltrans as inspiration for the project.

The utility boxes near the Hikshari trail recently got a makeover. All thanks to local artist and former biologist, Gail Popham. She originally got the idea after spending time hiking and bird watching along the trail.

After the design was approved by the city, her hobby became a full-time job. The boxes took her nearly 100 hours to complete. Her goal was to make the paintings as accurate as possible. She wants to teach people about the different species that live around them. She hopes that people who pass by the boxes become more interested in the native birds and plants of Humboldt County.

While she has some ideas for more utility boxes, she says she needs some time before taking on her next project. If you want to get a look at the utility boxes, you can head down to the trail near the park and ride lot off of Herrick Avenue.

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