Big Brothers Big Sisters Looking for Male Mentors in 60 Days


Humboldt County, Ca., (KIEM) Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Northcoast is in need of mentors.

According to the organization, they are searching for young men that can step up and help out local kids.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is starting a new campaign- that Executive Director, Florence Parks said everyone can get involved in.

It’s called the 60/60 Campaign.

The program is looking for 60 men to be a friend, a role model, and a mentor to at least 60 boys within the community in 60 days.

“One out of every three kids are growing up without a positive adult in their lives. We are in a community that needs. We have so many great people, so many people are investing, and we just need to step up for our kids,” said Parks.

For more information click here.