Rio Dell Asks Board of Supervisors for Road Rehabilitation of Monument Road


RIO DELL (KIEM) – On Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Rio Dell city officials went before the Board, asking them to evaluate Monument Road. The concern is that road could be possibly used during Wind Energy Project.

Right now, the project is currently under review. Back in October, the city sent a letter to District Two Supervisor Estelle Fenell. The letter asked the county to consider funding for a road improvement project for Monument Road. The cost of the assessment would range from one to two million dollars.

The City says, Monument Road has faced several problems over the years and is expected to receive FEMA funding.

Rio Dell Mayor Debra Garnes says, if the Wind Energy project were to push through, more people would be using that stretch of road.

On Thursday, the Planning Commission will also be discussing the project.