Native Sons of the Golden West Host Ceremony at Ferndale Cemetery


FERNDALE, Ca. (KIEM) – The Native Sons of the Golden West are doing their part to preserve the history of this great state.

This organization was established with native-born Californians who are dedicated to both the progress of California and the preservation of its history.

One of the charitable foundations they donate to helps children and adults with cleft palate.

In this past year alone, members donated $85,000 to each of the 3 hospitals, St. Johns hospital in Santa Monica, U.C.S.F hospital in San Francisco and the Sutter memorial in Sacramento. 

Grand Trustee of Native Sons of the Golden West, Ron Brocco says, “It’s an amazing thing to see what these foundations do with the money that we donate,” he goes on to say, “It’s an awesome thing to see what can be done with our funds.”

The money donated goes towards the patients and their families directly.

They put on Bbq’s, bake sales, and different events throughout the states with the help of volunteers and their nearly 7, 000 members to fund charitable events.