HCSO calls for service decrease amid COVID-19 pandemic


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) – The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office reports a decrease in call volume.

According to Sheriff William Honsal, last year the department received 20,408 calls for service from March to June. This year, during that same period, HCSO only had 18,763 calls.

Honsal said certain types of calls increased despite an overall decrease. Those areas included assisting the public and neighborhood disturbances. Calls regarding fireworks increased by 361% over the last year.

In addition to call numbers, the pandemic created a new challenge when trying to identify suspects wearing facial coverings. Honsal said deputies are adapting to the new normal.

HCSO had 171 COVID-19 related calls for service. Deputies are equipped with goggles and N95 masks for those instances. Honsal said daily patrols have not been affected as much, except when it comes to communication.

While in the community, HCSO has encountered businesses not in compliance with health orders. Honsal said a new process is being created which would include a verbal and written warning before a citation.

Overall, Honsal said the county is doing an excellent job keeping COVID-19 numbers at a minimum.