Local schools preparing for what return to school may look like


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — It’s summertime, which means the new school year is just around the corner, leaving some families wondering what back to school will look like for their kids in the fall.

Local schools are having ongoing conversations with public health about what things might look like. County Health Officer Dr. Frankovich would like to see kids back in the classroom, but conditions on the ground change rapidly, so stresses the need for safety guidelines to protect students and staff.

Schools are also working to put together plans for full in-person instruction, a hybrid model of both face to face instruction and distance learning, and full distance learning. Dr. Frankovich acknowledges that it’s not a one size fit all approach for Humboldt County schools and they will need to be fluid.

“I am hopeful that we may be able to have schools operating with full site instruction. It’s not clear yet that that’s the case, or if we open that way we will be able to continue through that vein in the fall,” Frankovich says.

Governor Newsom will be announcing updated statewide guidance for reopening schools at a press conference Friday.