Highway 36 remains closed, August Complex more than 870,000 acres in size


HUMBODLT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)-The August Complex Fire has forced the closure of Highway 36 from State Route 3 to South Fork Mountain Road in Trinity County and remains closed.

Caltrans hasn’t given an estimated re-opening time but says the closure is based on operations and fire behavior.

The complex as a whole has burned more than 870,000 acres and is now 43% contained.

The West Zone has grown to 104,836 acres and is now 60% contained.

Deputy Chris Trindade works Operations for the August Complex West Zone.

“With the predicted winds coming in over the weekend we’ve strategically placed sources throughout the incident, ready to engage if the fire was to decide to get reactive,” he said. “We have resources ready to deploy.” 

Eleven helicopters have been assigned to the North Zone to assist crews.