EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)-The Hoopa Office of Emergency Services today reported one new COVID-19 case on the Hoopa Valley Reservation – bringing their total confirmed cases to 116, with 41-active cases, 75-recoveries and zero deaths.
Testing is available on the Hoopa Reservation through OptumServe, those with with or without symptoms are encouraged to get a test.
A grant obtained by the Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc – will allow free testing through-out Humboldt County – through the month of January.
“We all need to be doing as much testing as possible, we’ve seen the numbers, ” said Executive Director Geogory of The Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc.
Free COVID-19 testing for tribal households is now open in Old Town Eureka – Monday through Friday – from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – at 241 F Street.
Gehr says, some don’t know they’ve been exposed.
“Our best defense is testing, wearing masks, doing everything we can to try to protect ourselves and those around us particularly the vulnerable population like elders,” he said.
The reason Roger Lianoz stopped by the free COVID-19 testing center.
“It was easy, I just wanted to take the test, just to be sure, so I can know my status,” he said. “I’ve had the nasal swab before, and this is much more comfortable.
Medical Technician Melissa Cabrera is contracted with AB Staffing Solutions, and collects saliva samples to be tested for the CORONAVIRUS.
“It is a deep belly sputum test, so spit in the cup, send it off and couple days, you have results,” she said.
Anyone who lives with a tribal member is eligible to test for free.
“This is a tribal community based, but, however, even if you are non-native you can be tested, as long as you have ties to the native community,” said Cabrera.
Dennis Moffett is a Tolowa-Yurok member who works for NCIDC, Inc.
“You want 30 minutes of no smoking, no eating, no drinking before the test, and it’s a walk-in, first come, first served basis,” he said.
“So, this is a great help to get those people that are asymptomatic, and don’t know it,” said Cabrera.
COVID testing sites thru AB Med Staffing can be found below:
Eureka – Carson Building Opera Alley
Monday – Friday 9-4pm
Blue Lake – In Sapphire Palace
7 Days a week 9-5pm
Crescent City – 2298 Norris Ave
7 Days a week/ 12-7pm
Tues/Thurs – 8am – 3pm
Trinidad Rancheria/Cherae Heights
Every Saturday and Sunday 10-5pm
Bear River Casino and Wiyot Tribal Office rotate weeks
Wed/Thurs/Friday 10am-5pm
Weitchpec – Tribal Office
Every Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm
Klamath – At Casino/Hotel
Every Thurs/Friday 10am- 5pm