Two Humboldt County correctional deputies save inmate’s life with Heimlich maneuver


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — The quick thinking of two correctional deputies ended up saving the life of an inmate last week at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility.

Back on March 8th, Deputy Jakob Heckert noticed an inmate that appeared to be choking while working in a male housing unit. Backup was called and Heckert began performing the Heimlich maneuver. Deputy Jennifer Hudson assisted with life-saving efforts. They were able to clear the inmate’s airway saving his life.

“Deputy Hudson came in and instructed me on how to the Heimlich on the inmate and the food became dislodged from the inmates airway and now the inmate is all good,” Heckert said.

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“The inmate was very grateful. He thanked me and Heckert multiple times and he wrote a letter to our admin staff about the incident,” Hudson added.

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Sheriff William Honsal commends deputies Heckert and Hudson for their quick actions and proper use of training.

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