Del Norte County Sheriff Erik Apperson Plans to Step Down


CRESCENT CITY, Calif. (KIEM)-  It’s a sad time in Del Norte county as Sheriff Erik Apperson announced his intention to resign on Tuesday this week after serving the community for almost seven years. 

“I have enjoyed my time as sheriff and I’ve enjoyed my career serving this community. The decision to resign is centered around focusing on my family,” said Sheriff Erik Apperson. 

He started his career in Del Norte County Jail as a correctional officer and later a Crescent City Police Officer for 13 years. He first ran for sheriff in 2014 and was reelected in 2019. 

“I was born a few blocks from here. I spent my entire life here so far and I’ve spent my career in law enforcement here,” said Apperson.

At the resignation, Apperson recommended his under-sheriff, Randy Waltz, to take his role until the end of his term.  

His final day as Del Norte County sheriff is October 1st.