PG&E Warns The Public on Energy-Sucking Appliances


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- PG&E released a statement to let the public know about vampire-like appliances this Halloween season. However these appliances do not want blood, they want your energy bill.

This energy “take-up” can add up to an extra 10% onto your monthly utility bill, increasing the national average household’s annual electric bill by $100-200.

PG&E Spokeswoman Deanna Contreras urges the customers to unplug your electronics instead of simply turning it off. This includes chargers, tools, and other appliances when they’re not being used. 

“The heating and cooling system accounts for 40% of your monthly bill but all these other appliances that are plugged in even when not in use, draw energy and add up. Humboldt County customers can monitor this and their heat use to save the most money and energy,” said Deanna Contreras, Spokesperson, PG&E.