Humboldt Bay Fire adopted a vaccination policy


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- Humboldt Bay Fire has adopted a vaccination policy that requires all personnel, including employees, volunteers, and interns, to be fully vaccinated. The policy will be effective immediately and will remain in effect until the Fire Chief consults with the HBF Medical Director and determines that the local public health circumstances have sufficiently improved to permit the suspension of the policy.

All HBF personnel must be partially or fully vaccinated or submit a request for exemption by November 26By by January 6, 2022. All personnel must be fully vaccinated or be awaiting the resolution of their request for exemption.

“We sincerely hope not to lose any employees, but we also understand that people are going to make the choice that is best for them, and we are hoping that this policy with the built-in exemptions will protect our employees and the community as best as we can,” said Amy Segui (Conlin), Community Risk Reduction Specialist for Humboldt Bay Fire.