PG&E is using artificial intelligence to enhance fire-watch and response capabilities


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif.(KIEM)- During extreme weather, determining wildfire smoke from fog and other false indicators is crucial. This is why PG&E is testing artificial intelligence and machine-learning capabilities. In the growing network of high-definition cameras across Northern and Central California to see how it can enhance fire-watch and response capabilities.

“One of the tools that PG&E have is in mitigating wildfire threats and producing the threat of wildfires are these HD fire watch cameras. We have 487 of them across our service territory, and 11 of them are in Humboldt County. Anybody can go on and see the live picture of these cameras,” said Deanna Contreras, Spokesperson with PG&E.

None of the 11 PG&E cameras located in mountain tops in Humboldt County have the artificial intelligence software setup. They have collected the data from the ones with the software and are trying to figure out how to make the current IA software smarter and better.

“We know it works. We know it rules out false positives, haze, fog, and smoke, and it lets us know that it spots smoke,” said Deanna Contreras

The cameras provide 360-degree views and can be viewed by anyone through By the end of 2022, the PG&E plans to have approximately 600 cameras installed to provide an ability to see in real-time more than 90% of the high fire-risk areas.