Center for New Growth: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy is now an Option in Humboldt County

Eureka, calif. (KIEM)- The Center for New Growth is a clinic devoted to transforming trauma into wholeness. The center is the first of its kind in Humboldt County, offering an unexpected drug to assist in their therapy.

A psychoactive drug is used to heal trauma. This might come as unexpected, or possibly something you already know, but that is what’s done at the Center for New Growth in Eureka. It is the first clinic in Humboldt County to adopt the use of ketamine-assisted therapy.

We talked to Carrie Griffin, the founder of the clinic as well as a licensed physician and trauma therapist.

“We believe in psychedelic-assisted therapy or generally a model that substances that are able to create changes in your consciousness may be really important accelerants to the healing process,” said Dr. Griffin.

This therapy offers an alternative to western medicine, helping many that have been unsuccessful with the use of traditional healthcare practices.

“You’re able to get space within yourself and you’re able to witness your strategies, behaviors, and chronic ways of thinking about yourself from a different vantage point,“ said Dr. Griffin.

Dr. Griffin explained that the data, and her experience as a clinician, show that ketamine is an effective treatment for depression roughly 70 to 75 percent of the time.

Clients have a choice in both how the substance is administered, as well as the type of therapy that goes along with it.

“We have people who come in and do only IV infusions. We have people who do intramuscular or injections in the arm in concordance with therapy,” said Dr. Griffin. “We also have an option for prescribing ketamine lozenges for home use.”

Patients go through both medical clearance and mental assessments before beginning any treatment. Staff also take precautions to ensure the correct manner of use.

“Part of what we’re trained to do is to screen for use and assess, Are you asking for refills early? Are you using this to the point where you’ve used an entire prescription in a short period of time?”

Dr. Griffin pointed out that in her almost two years of administering the substance she has not had any patients misuse their prescriptions. Most of the concern lies with the mental and physical compatibility of an individual with the treatment.

Dr. Griffin and the clinic have high hopes for the future of ketamine-assisted therapy in Humboldt County.

“This is an important addition to mental health care. It’s certainly not for everyone, and that’s part of the reason why we’re so cautious and careful and clear about who we are inviting into this kind of treatment,” said Dr. Griffin. “But, it’s a remarkably safe medication, and it’s one that I hope that the county will continue to be embracing of.”

For more information, you can visit

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