Eureka Home Considered a “Total Loss”after Tuesday Night Fire


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- In under thirty minutes fire fighters were able to put out a fire at a home on Union Street (near Bachetti Drive) in Eureka. A crew from Humboldt Bay Fire responded just after 9:00 p.m. Tuesday night.

No one was inside the home, but first responders say the flames were “deep-seated” and smoke was billowing out of the front and rear of the structure when they got to Union Street. The fire would cause heavy charring, structural, and smoke damage.

Soon, PG&E and CHP and City Ambulance teams would join the 12 fire fighters and two volunteers already on-scene. According to Humboldt Bay Fire, there was no gas or electricity hooked up to the house when it caught fire. Making the cause of incident suspicious. An investigation is under way, and more details will be released as they come available.