Unknown person attempts to break-in Redwood Field, Rex Bohn responds


Humboldt County, Ca., (KIEM) A 20-year-old baseball field and playground in Cutten was the target of a break in Monday morning.

District 1 Supervisor, Rex Bohn, told friends via social media that the 11 acre Redwood Field had been violated and thanks to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and the field’s security system, the unknown person was scared off.

Bohn said the suspect attempted to pry open a snack bar door, but was unable to get it completely open. Bohn added that a broken light over the door may have contributed to the idea of the break-in.

“It’s a personal violation for me and all of the hundreds of kids that play out here and their families,” saidBohn. “We keep no money here, we keep nothing of real value that would do them any good…thank goodness the Sheriff, through Measure O, has extra funds to put people on it. We’re good to go now.”

Rex Bohn said a smiliar incident occurred twice before in all of 20 years but said nothing was lost and the door was fixed Monday morning.