Arcata City Council asks for updated ADA Transition Plan before approval


Arcata, Ca., (KIEM) The Arcata City Council is still not ready to adopt the city’s ADA Transition Plan.

The mission of the plan is to provide a guideline for the city to follow in order to address non-compliant areas that are present within or near public facilities, in which city programs and services are offered.

The goal is to provide all residents with equal access to the respective programs and services; especially those that are located Downtown, Arcata.

At the Wednesday evening meeting, council members felt they did not have all information necessary and decided to ask staff for an updated report in order to adopt the plan for a later date.

“We have an old list and we’re continuously updating it,” said Councilman Paul Pitino. “Next month the Public Works will come forward with a more complete list, and then we’ll adopt a formal plan to go about solving these ADA problems.”