The Eureka Rehabilitation And Wellness Center got a special visit from the Humboldt Highlanders Pipe Band


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM)- The Eureka Rehabilitation And Wellness Center got a special visit from the Humboldt Highlanders Pipe Band on Sunday.

The Humboldt Highlanders Pipe Band has been practicing despite not being able to play for big crowds at big events for this very opportunity.

The band was contacted by a community member about playing at the Eureka Rehabilitation and Wellness Center to bring some holiday cheer for the patients.

“These events at these facilities are actually kind of traditional, in terms of the band,” said Ted Hales, the Pipe Major of the Humboldt Highlanders Pipe Band. “We used to do these decades ago. So, I guess this is a good time to revive them.”

The patients at the facility were able to peek out their windows to watch and listen to the band blow their pipes and bang their drums.

“We do like to help those that are less fortunate and sometimes music is the way to do that,” said Roddy Ross, a member of the Humboldt Highlander Pipe Band. 

The band members were glad they had this opportunity to dust off the bagpipes and drums to play together, but more importantly, they were happy to have the chance to use their music to bring a smile to the folks in the facility. 

“Just show them that you know, the community is still here, were are here for them and you know, give them a little bit of music,” said Hales.

This is the first facility they play for since the pandemic started, but they plan on playing for other facilities if they are allowed to, to keep spreading a little more holiday cheer.