College chats helps connect high school students with HSU professors


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM)- For a lot of students when they get towards the end of their high school careers, they think about college.

They tour campuses to get a feel of what higher education is all about, but that hasn’t been possible because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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So, the Humboldt County Office of Education partnered up with Humboldt State University to hold college chats through zoom.

These chats connect students to college professors to get an idea of what to expect at the college level.

The chats are held every Wednesday from noon to 12:45.

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The office of education says that there has been an advantage to having students meet through zoom instead of in person.

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“It does give students from all over our community at different school an opportunity to call in and participate,” said Jim Ritter, College Connect Program Coordinator for the Humboldt County Office of Education. “That would be very difficult to do in person.”     

Students and their parents are welcome to join and to sign up for the chats, click here.