The American Red Cross Disaster Program Needs More Local Volunteers


MCKINLEYVILLE, Calif. (KIEM)- The American Red Cross is asking for more volunteers from the Trinity, Del Norte, and Humboldt County area because they are more familiar with the terrain than volunteers from other parts of the US.

“We need people who know the cities, the counties, and the people who serve. That’s a learning process for people that come from out of the area,” said Karen Suiker, Government Liaison, American Red Cross Disaster Program. 

The Knob Fire has increased the number of people being forced from their homes and causing more people to go the American Red Cross Shelter in McKinleyville. However it doesn’t end with sheltering people, it also includes sheltering their animals. 

“I contacted the city manager. She rallied the troops almost instantly. We received cages and food. The animals were attended to quickly,” said Suiker.

If you are a resident of Del Norte, Trinity, or Humboldt County and are interested in helping out, you can reach out to Andrew Bogar,  The Red Cross Disaster Program Manager.