2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree to be Harvest Oct. 24


HUMBOLDT, Calif. (KIEM)- The Six Rivers National Forest has announced the dates to the 2021 Capital Christmas tree being harvest. The tree will be harvest on Oct. 24. 

Sugar Bear will be going virtual, as the Six Rivers National Forest will be live streaming from the Six Rivers National Fores Facebook page. 

The harvest ceremony will include a blessing by the classic band of Wylacki -Wintoon family group and remarks by the USDA Forest Service Leadership. They are yet to announce the local youth tree lighter.

“It’s going to be an early morning harvest. It takes so much time to get the tree into position and all buckled down to get it down to Eureka. That it’s actually not going to be traveling down to Eureka till Monday the 25th,” said Betsy Totten, Forest Public Affair Officer, with the Forest Service.