Eureka is seeking input on Gulches and Greenways


EUREKA, Calf. (KIEM)- The City of Eureka is home to various gulches and greenways, and now for the first time, city planners are looking to develop comprehensive policies for those areas.

The city has launched an online survey seeking public input on the management of gulches and greenways within the city’s boundaries.

They are hoping to determine the best way to protect and maintain Cooper gulch, Second gulch, and the Gulches of Martin Slough.

“So we’re working on an ordinance that will include standards for it’ll define the area, and then it’ll include additional standards and limitations for development in that area in order to ensure good stewardship and protect from further fragmentation and degradation of the green belts,” said Cristin Kenyon, City of Eureka Principal Planner.

Over 75 percent of the land around the greenways and gulches is owned privately, so that the new ordinance will add additional standards for those private residents on top of the zoning code.  

“For instance, if somebody wants to subdivide in this area, we’d like to have standards that require resulting parcels to have a developable area where it’s not just all steep slopes and riparian vegetation for four new parcels,” said Cristin Kenyon.

Last month, a workshop was presented, and many voiced concerns about wildlife habitat movement through the greenways and gulches. 

On April 28th, the draft policy will be reviewed before being sent to the Eureka City planning commission meeting on May 9th.

“And you can attend via Zoom or in-person at City Hall, and we’re also hoping to have a draft ordinance to show them or at least some options for standards,” said Cristin Kenyon.