Cal Poly Humboldt Encourages Random Acts of Kindness


ARCATA, Calif. (KIEM) Kindness is being encouraged on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus this week. The university took part in a nationwide event today called “Delight-Ful”. It’s intended to promote random acts of kindness.

A total of 500,000 random acts of kindness are expected nationwide from campuses across the country that are partaking in the movement.

Giveaways, performers, free food, a KRFH DJ, a photo booth, face painting, and even therapy dogs were out on the campus quad this afternoon.

James Richards, the Resident District Manager said the event was centered around kindness and putting the best version of yourself out there.

“Today is a reminder, you know, we got through a lot together in the last few years. And now that we’re all back together, let’s just make sure we’re the best people that we can be,” Richards said.