It’s not much of a secret anymore, Warner Bros. has been in production and filming in our area for a few days now. Starting Friday, the production team will begin setting up to film in Arcata for the “BC PROJECT”.
This project includes a-list celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Regina Hall, Sean Penn and Oscar-nominated director, Paul Thomas Anderson. Residents and businesses in Arcata have been notified by location managers of the film about where and when the project will be filmed.
“They just let us know what’s going on,” said Amanda Squires, barista at Northtown Organic Coffee. “You know, they have to work. They also have a job to do and part of that is, coming in and filming a little bit. I’m pretty sure all the businesses are allowed to stay open. It’s just the vehicle traffic that’s not allowed.”
The planned filming starts on Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. This means certain streets, parking and sidewalks will be closed or controlled. There will be “no parking anytime” signage in Arcata. This includes parts of 17th and 18th Street, H, G, and I Streets and Hauser Street.
The pedestrian bridge from Cal Poly Humboldt to Arcata will be closed to the public also on Tuesday for filming purposes. There will be a detour for the 101 North via 15th Street. The sidewalk on 18th Street from G Street to H will also be closed off.
People expressed their thoughts about the film project.
“I love it. I love it,” said Daniel Jones, a student at Cal Poly Humboldt. “They need to bring more movies here.”
“I feel like this movie is like a good opportunity to like to bring attention to Cal Poly Humboldt, not a lot of people know about it,” said Isaiah Martinez, another student at Cal Poly Humboldt.
“It’s pretty cool that we get to have something like this in our little town,” Squires said. “I think it’s kind of good overall for the town because it kind of brings a little bit of publicity to Arcata and Humboldt in general.”
This production works closely with the Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission and the City of Arcata to ensure security and safety for businesses and residents. For those who live or work within the area, there will be simulated police activity and special effects on Tuesday’s set.
Filming activity in Arcata is set for Tuesday for one day only, but production crews are working in several locations around the county as needed. Something to think about, there will be a security and police presence at those filming locations, as well.