Downtown Eureka now has Parking Enforcement


There is now a parking attendant in Old Town Eureka from Commercial To H streets enforcing two and four hour parking zones as well as Red zones and Alleyways. 

“I’m not a cop, you know, I’m city area code enforcement. So we do like enforcement activities, but we’re not police. You know, it’s not the same thing. We do work with EPD very closely, but it is a separate organization. Although I do have the little three Wheeler, the gofer(?) that I drive around. And it still says enforcement on the side. It’s parking enforcement, but a few people think I’m a cop”, Says Jesse Turney of Eureka code enforcement. 

Citations for two and four hour zones will be $38. Citations for alleyways will be $48, red zones will be 53, and handicapped spots will be ticketed at $353. However, that’s not subject to change because of the state law. 

The transition from Eureka Police enforcement to Eureka Code enforcement is supposed to make things easier. 

“You can pay all of it online. So they don’t want anyone to go to the city hall just because, you know, that’s a big influx of people who are going to come and try to pay all at once. so there’s an online portal to take care of all that stuff. And you can also contest the citations through that same portal”, says Turney. 

“What we’re saying,  once we’ve kind of gotten things ironed out with the parking, you know, get everyone familiar with having someone on patrol and doing enforcement on that, then we’re gonna look on looking to getting some more people involved, getting more people actually on patrol, marking tires and all that, right now it is just me”, he says. 

Story by Tucker Caraway