Protestors disrupt Eureka City Council meeting after ceasefire resolution pulled


It was a moment that made this regular city council anything but.

Humboldt for Palestine arrived to the council meeting, ready to speak out against the City Council’s decision to pull a ceasefire resolution.

The decision came after being discussed among the council yesterday.

Mayor Kim Bergel said in a statement said that while she shares concerns over the conflict over the war in Gaza, she said the proposal would “not have ended the violence in Gaza and Israel, but it would perpetuate more divisiveness and hatred in our community.”

Leading to protestors voicing their displeasure with the city’s decision during public comment reading from their resolution.

“Resolution by the city of eureka calling for the liberation of Palestine whereas the City of Eureka condemns the ethnic cleansing, including the genocide of, the Palestinian people in Gaza and the west bank and throughout historic Palestine,” read one of the Humboldt for Palestine protestor.

Another resident called out a portion of the Mayor’s statement focused on peace.

“I stand here today with my community to tell you that you do not know what peace looks like. Your idea of peace is white-washed and colonized. Peace to you looks like turning away from a principal position and standing for nothing,” an unknown resident said.

One person spoke about their fears as a Palestinian themselves saying “every day I’m waking up in just terror that they’re (family) gonna be the ones next to be pulled from the rubble or to be identified by their blown apart body parts.”

After being excused for a recess, protestors used drums and a megaphone to call out members of the council by name.

With the protestors yelling “Kim Kim, you can’t hide. You’re supporting genocide. Leslie, Leslie, you can’t hide you’re supporting genocide.”