Newsmakers: Garberville Lions Holiday Boutique

23rd annual holiday boutique this weekend


REDWOOD NEWS: Here’s Dan and Crystal Arbuthnot from the Garberville Lions Club and Soroptimist of the Redwoods. Welcome, you guys.

GUESTS: Thank you. Thanks for having us.

REDWOOD NEWS: Hey, Dan, your Garberville The Lions Club has a lot of projects going all year, but what are you currently working on?

GUEST: Well, right now we’re getting ready for our 23rd annual holiday boutique, which is next weekend the 9th and the 10th.

REDWOOD NEWS: A lot of vendors coming in.

GUEST: We have 28 vendors and they range from jewelry to clothes to baked goods, jams and jellies.

REDWOOD NEWS Crystal, tell me what how is the Soroptimist of the Redwoods involved in this event?

GUEST: Originally, we took this event over from the Redway Elementary PTA, and then it was just too much for us. And I knew the Lions Club is kind of a small club and I felt it was something that they could handle. And I’m also a Lions. So we offered it to them, but we kept the food portion of it. So we handled the food.

REDWOOD NEWS: So you’re serving serving food and you’re doing something else, too. Looks like you’re.

GUEST: Yes. We also brought it back to the cookie decorating at that event as well at the holiday boutique. So children can come on Saturday and Sunday from noon to two and decorate cookies and take home a plate of cookies to their family. And then the following week, I was going to give it the following week, and we put on our annual lighted parade, and I think it’s the 18th or 19th year, which is kind of an event that my sister and I presented to our club. Yeah, kind of in memory of our mom, who was also Soroptimist.

REDWOOD NEWS: So tell us again, Dan, when is the holiday boutique?

GUEST: December 9th and 10th. Yeah. Saturday, 10 to 5. Sunday 10 to 4. Redway Elementary school. at the school gym.

REDWOOD NEWS: Yes. And what time is the parade?

GUEST: It starts at 530 on Saturday, December 16, at RedWay School parking lot. And for more information, they can check out our website WWW.SI/REDWOODS.ORG .

REDWOOD NEWS: And Facebook is a good place for the government club. Yes.

REDWOOD NEWS: Dan and Crystal Arbuthnot from the Garberville Lions Club and the Soroptimist of the Redwoods. Thanks for putting on such great holiday events down in Garberville and Redway.

GUESTS: Well, thank you for having us. We don’t get a lot of attention down there sometimes, and we appreciate the support. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much for having us.