Eureka’s Home for the Holidays aims to bring cheer from the cold


It’s the season of giving, the season of loving, and the season of winning. At least it will be once the 4th annual home for the holidays competition starts this week.

“It’s a contest that encourages residents to decorate their homes and then in turn encourages the community to come out and view the beautiful decorated homes for the holidays,” economic development coordinator Sarah West said.

The Home for the Holidays contest came about during the pandemic to build community behind closed doors. The contest continues to thrive outside of its pandemic roots into the post-pandemic era to keep making the season bright.

“Folks are always really excited. We make a map to show all the different houses so you can view them,” West said. “Folks have been consistently excited to go out and view them and we’ve had about the same number of participants because you just have a core community of folks that get really involved that get really into decorating.”

Once registered, homes will be viewable on a map using Google Maps set for release on December 16. And where there is a contest, there are prizes.

“We have first place, second place and a mayor’s choice. First place gets a $500 gift card to the Eureka business of their choice. The second place prize I believe is $250 and the mayor’s choice is $100,” West said.

Anyone in the greater Eureka area can participate including Cutten and Humboldt hill with residents voting for their favorites online.

But the contest is more than just simple prizes and bragging rights. It’s about trying to spread cheer amid the cold and dark days of winter.

“It really brings the community spirit of the season. It’s a time of year were everybody is slowing down, things are getting darker, and it’s an event that anybody can do,” West said. “They can check out the lights at anytime with their family on their own schedule and appreciate the community.”

The map of homes will be released on Saturday with voting open from then until the 26th. Mayor Kim Bergel will announce the winner after the holidays wrap up.