Tracing the Source of Contamination: DHHS Talks about a “Beach Bummer”


Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- Nobody wants to think about fecal contamination when they’re planning a trip to the beach; after Humboldt County beaches made their way onto a beach bummer list earlier this year contamination is a clear concern.

Learn More about DHHS water quality reports here.

The Department of Health and Human Services has good news. The public health lab can now test water for the likely source of contamination. They can also pinpoint specific sources using DNA-tools. For example, clam beach received one of the lower quality ratings in the county. Where does the contamination there come from? The lab says birds are the major culprits in creating fecal contamination concerns. Understanding fecal pollution, scientists say is not a magic bullet, but it is a step forward.