Applications open for McKinleyville Board of Director position


McKinleyville, Ca., (KIEM) McKinleyville Community Service District is looking for a new board member for its Board of Directors, and the district encourages McKinleyville residents to apply.

George Wheeler gave his resignation back in early December after serving on the board for 5 years.

This week the service district is advertising the vacant position and are now accepting letters of interest until the end of January.

General Manager Greg Orsini tells Redwood News in order to apply for the board member position one must be a registered voter of McKinleyville along with a few other requirements.

“During our January meeting the board decided that they were interested in finding out thing like how long someone has lived in the community, are they in any service clubs or community activities, what their educational background is,” said Orsini. “And the concept of what a service district is. Specifically what McKinleyville Community Service District does.”

Considerations will be made at the February 6th meeting at Azalea Hall at 7 pm. The meeting is open to the public.