Fortuna Redwood AutoXpo raises money for scholarships


FORTUNA, Ca (KIEM)– Spectators watch cars drive up one by one with bright colors, classic looks, and shiny wheels. It’s all to see which vehicle will win Best of Show at the AutoXpo.

The 29th Annual Fortuna Redwood AutoXpo is so car lovers can get together and appreciate older model vehicles. One baseball fan decorated his car with giants gear. The cause behind this event is to raise money for scholarships that will go to graduating high school seniors who want to pursue a career in the automotive industry.

“We kind of feel the automotive industry kind of get skipped over in the scholarship areas,” said Ryan Walters, President of Fortuna AutoXpo.

“They’re gorgeous. These cars are beautiful, said Heather Noah, a Eureka resident. There’s nothing like a good old car show in the redwood forest.”

This year the Fortuna Redwood AutoXpo gave away two $1,000 scholarships.