Guidelines for Soft Re-Opening of Some Humboldt County Businesses


Humboldt County, Ca. (KIEM) — Starting May 8th, the state has authorized Humboldt County businesses with lower Covid-19 exposure risk to begin re-opening.

This gradual re-opening is part of phase 2 of Governor Newsom’s plan to get things up and running again across the state. Most retail businesses that can serve customers curbside or delivery can re-open. This includes places such as florists, bookstores, and clothing stores, but again, they can only offer curbside, pick up, or delivery services. Malls and seated dining services cannot re-open at this time.

In addition to the mandatory facial covering order, there are a handful of other safety measures that need to be put in place prior to opening back up. Social distancing of 6 feet must be allowed for employees and customers, access to handwashing or sanitizing stations must be available, and adhering to a plan to identify and remove sick employees from the workplace.

For more information on the business certification process, you can log onto or contact the joint information center.