Humboldt County health officials working to improve Covid-19 vaccine accessibility


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — The Humboldt County Public Health Department is working to make getting a Covid-19 vaccine more accessible for all residents.

Homebound individuals are now able to mark that as an option on MyTurn. Then the County will contact you to find out how to get you a shot. The focus now also turning from a mass vaccination model to more mobile outreach with officials working to get out to more rural areas. One example, the Johnson & Johnson clinic being held in Samoa this Friday.

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“Rest assured we are going to be going to other locations in the county as we continue to plan and the task force is working on these sites right now,” according to Lindsey Mendez, a member of the Covid-19 vaccine task force.

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Improving accessibility for residents also includes ensuring there is enough supply. Last week, some issues arose when transitioning to a third party administrator for vaccines. Local health officials are confident shipments of vaccine will be more consistent moving forward.

“We went straight into action mode and made sure we secured enough supply to make sure we were able to meet all of our appointments. That’s the commitment we can make to our community, we are going to do everything we can to make sure there is enough vaccine supply,” according to Sofia Pereira, Operations Chief for the Emergency Operations Center.

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To find a Covid-19 vaccine appointment near you, you can check MyTurn or the federal website