Pets and Fires, Arcata Fire shares best practices


Humboldt, Ca., (KIEM)- According to a resident, several pets were killed after a Fortuna home caught fire Saturday morning. In the event of a similar emergency, fire fighters want you to know a couple of things:

  1. Don’t go back into a burning building in search of a pet. Often, dogs and cats will instinctively leave a building when they smell smoke. As long as you leave a door open, a lot of pets will get out on their own.
  2. Fire teams will look for your animal. Preventing the loss of human lives is always the priority for first responders. If helping your four-legged companion doesn’t put fire crews at high personal risk, know teams will look for your pets too.
  3. Arcata Fire has a “Doggy Resuscitation Kit,” to help animals found in burning buildings to breathe, and increase their chances of making the journey to veterinary care.