Caring for Caregivers in Humboldt County


Eureka Ca., (KIEM)- For some, caring for family as they age is a necessity. For others, becoming a senior caregiver is a career choice. Reasons aside, helping elders through daily life is mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing work with a high burn-out rate.

“Taking care of yourself, taking respite, makes you a better caregiver.” Hannah Hagquist the Alzheimer Services Coordinator with Humboldt Senior Resource Center.

“Support groups are really great because people who are caregivers can come together, they can talk about the problems they are facing. They can vent.” Haqquist explains, “They can create relationships with other caregivers so they don’t feel so alone in the world.”
In Arcata the Senior Resource Center offers caregiver support groups on the first and third Tuesday of the month (starting in 2018 on January 2nd). In Eureka, the groups meet inside the Alzheimer Resource Library across the street from the main Senior Resource Center Building (Building B) on the first and third Wednesday of the month. The Redwood Care Giver resource Center also has a variety of available services:
For more from the Humboldt Senior Resource Center: