Discussion Begins on Advisory Vote for McKinley’s Relocation

Arcata, Ca., (KIEM)- After 112 years at the center of the plaza, the statue of William McKinley is coming down. It’s a done deal. The city council voted to have the bronze figure taken down four-to-one.

In the weeks that followed, it became clear the community was invested in the topic. The choice to make the 25th president’s present (at the very least) diminished on the plaza went directly through council, and councilwoman Susan Ornelas says she wanted to ensure the public felt heard. So, she proposed an advisory vote. This would give community members the opportunity to choose from several proposed locations, including the Arcata Veterans Hall.

For a link to the sample advisory ballot click here. 

An advisory vote can be accepted or declined by the council, and at this stage the ballot is still simply a topic of discussion.

While in theory voting, it can seem, is the best form of direct democracy a local political science professor and expert in ballot assembly took issue with the proposal. Ryan Emenaker sent a letter to the city expressing his concerns.

He says a multi-teared ballot, may mean more misunderstanding. The public won’t necessarily have access to the nuanced pros and cons of each location. Additionally, a number of people may vote for one spot, suggesting a majority that isn’t reflective of public opinion.

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