On Iconic African Species Protection Bill, Humboldt Supervisors Remain Neutral

Eureka, Ca., (KIEM)- Senate bill 1487 would add an act to the Fish and Game code in California, setting unprecedented protections for African Wildlife.

The “Iconic African Species Protection Act” became the topic of an emotional argument at the Humboldt county board of supervisors meeting Tuesday. Hunting advocates argue there is conservation value in promoting game harvests, and economic benefits for impoverished African nations hosting hunts. Alternatively, others stand for the protection of zebras, panthers, and other wildlife, expressing distaste for trophy hunting.

The bill  makes it illegal to own any part of an animal deemed “iconic.” That expands beyond endangered species. Should it pass, SB 1487 will make owning or selling trophy mounts, hides, and other exports an open violation of the law. Supervisor Rex Bohn asked the board to send a letter to oppose the Iconic African Species Protection Act. The supervisors would ultimately choose not to take action.

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