Steve Madrone Announces Candidacy for District 5 Supervisor in Humboldt County


Arcata, Ca., (KIEM)- Steve Madrone, a local land use and watershed management expert, has announced his intention to run for 5th District Supervisor in Humboldt County.

His announcement came today after a Redefining Democratic Rally on the campus of Humboldt State University. Madrone, an HSU alum, says he’s eager to run for office.

“There are just so many important issues in our community that need to be worked on. I have tremendous integrity, ability and the energy to work towards community solutions and bringing people together to solve the real problems that we have in our community.” Madrone tells KIEM. 

Madrone has been a resident of Humboldt County for more than four decades, and hopes to focus on job growth, increasing wages, and watershed protection if elected.