Celebrating Seniors: Humboldt Rose Society blooms


It is the flower that has inspired poets.  And now the rose is the center of a Humboldt county group celebrating its beauty.  For celebrating seniors, Dave Silverbrand looks at the people who turn the flower into a floral celebration.

It loves, it heals.  It is the rose, appearing at the most meaningful times of our love and our lives.  Maybe that is why it appeals to men like Douglas Durham of Eureka, past president of the Humboldt Rose Society.

They gather to celebrate the rose in its hundreds of varieties, each with a story and property all its own.

Roses even have their protected place at redwood acres, where the society met this last weekend.  This Isthe Rose Garden.  These roses are under protective custody from the deer—who would eat them like candy.

Douglas fears that new generations will not appreciate the flower that means so much to so many, but for now, it is honored as few flowers are, the flower of kings and queens.  Celebrating seniors, Dave Silverbrand, Redwood News.

If you have an idea for Celebrating Seniors, contact Dave at dsilverbrand@redwoodnews.tv.




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