HSU has a drop in student loan debt


Nationally- there may be a hike in student loan debt, but locally for HSU students this is not the case.

The university has seen a drop in student loan debt in the past nine years. When students graduated in 2009, the average undergraduate debt was $21,000 and in 2017, the average went down to $13,000. With some students looking into grants for college – click here to learn more.

Director of financial aid gives credit to a new mandatory program for all incoming freshman. They started a financial literacy class seven years ago, teaching the basics of loans and expenses. And since then, they’ve seen a decrease in debt each year. It’s well and good saying students are in less debt now, but with a case study like this it still shows many will struggle to rent or own and have to seek the help of specialized lenders. Perhaps some of them will be lucky enough to have parents that can afford to release some equity to help them. If the parents are interested in learning more check out this free equity release calculator.