Motorcyclists Line up for the 44th Annual Humboldt County Toy Run


ARCATA, Ca. (KIEM)- Over 100 motorcyclists were suited up and ready to ride for their 44th annual.

It’s the longest running toy-run in California put on by the United Bikers of Northern California every year.

And the sweet sound of engines could be heard from blocks away.

The toy run started at the Arcata plaza Sunday, and when the clock struck noon the whistle blew and riders took off.

Their final destination was the Eureka moose lodge where they unloaded all of the toys.

Riders were asked to bring an unwrapped toy of $5 donation all to support and give children of the Eureka Rescue Mission a Christmas to remember.

Over 100 bikers came out for the drive to Eureka, with even more showing up at Eureka’s Moose Lodge where all the toys were being dropped off.

There was a raffle and spaghetti lunch for everyone to enjoy that was cooked up and served by kitchen manager, Jonathan Nash and volunteers.

Some people went above and beyond what they were asked by bringing in truckloads of Christmas gifts.