Dr. Frankovich discusses fake face mask exemption cards, conditions that warrant an exemption


HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. (KIEM) — The Joint Information Center recently warned residents about fraudulent face mask exemption cards making the rounds, leaving some wondering what common medical conditions allow a person to go without a mask.

According to county health officer Dr. Frankovich, the exemption is for people who have significant respiratory issues, such as restrictive lung disease. It also includes individuals with COPD or asthma, but Dr. Frankovich does point out that some people suffering from those conditions are able to wear a mask comfortably.

In general, there is a small number of people who actually fall into the category of warranting an exemption. Some people from a mental health standpoint can struggle wearing masks as well.

Frankovich acknowledges this issue can be tricky for local businesses, but the j-i-c is available to offer guidance to businesses if situations arise where people refuse to wear a mask.

“It’s also important to remember that while we want everyone to be masked, the order is for everyone who does not have a contraindication to mask and that is over the age of two. We want those folks to be masked. If they are in a public space and are refusing to mask, we are not requiring businesses to enforce that on site. It is completely their prerogative to do so, but frankly it keeps everyone safer,” Frankovich adds.