Eureka City Council set to review HACHR’s operations plan for mobile syringe exchange program


EUREKA, Calif. (KIEM) — The Eureka City Council is set to review an operations plan submitted by the Humboldt Area Center for Harm Reduction for a mobile syringe exchange program.

HACHR’s proposal lays out 4 different locations throughout Eureka and requests the ability to add or change sites as needed. The City says the plan meets guidelines of a resolution passed back on January 6th that allows for mobile-only SEP’s to operate within city limits during the pandemic. It also requires a 1 to 1 needle exchange and credit cap of 100 needles.

The city does have an issue with 2 of the proposed locations due to environmental concerns, the one at the Hilfiker gravel lot and also the location at the Humboldt Waste Management Authority parking lot off of Felt Street. City Manager Miles Slattery adds that if the plan is approved, it’s only for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“If the pandemic were to end, then they could no longer provide those services up until the point when we have an ordinance in place. This is kind of a stop gap measure in the interim while we don’t have an updated ordinance and we realize the need for these services during the pandemic,” Slattery says.

We reached out to HACHR for comment, but haven’t heard back. The City Council meeting is set for Tuesday night at 6 pm.