Food for People Provides Water, Food, and Medical Supplies to the People of Rio Dell

A Food for People Van parked in Rio Dell

The 6.4 M earthquake has affected many in Humboldt County, especially the town of Rio Dell where water and power are still shut down.

Food for People came out this afternoon in the heart of Rio Dell, giving out water, boxes of food, and other supplies.

Development Director for Food for People, Carly Robbins, along with other volunteers were eager to come out and assist the community in need. 

“When the earthquake hit yesterday, we tried to figure out how we could best manage,” Robbins said. “We connected with our partners over here at the Rio Dell food pantry…everyone’s really taking care of their own community and it’s really great to see.”

The non-profit started emergency distributions immediately the morning of the earthquake. They were in Eureka yesterday and are continuing to help across the county. 

Teressa Adams is a Rio Dell resident who was greatly affected and was grateful to see Food for People 

“Food for People is great, god bless them really because there are a lot of people that are very hungry,” Adams said.

Teressa Adams is a Rio Dell resident whose home was flooded due to her water heater breaking from the initial shaking of the earthquake.

“I have lots of room now for new stuff,” Adams said. “The house right down the road had their porch fall right in front of their front door.”

Adams is full of hope and expressed that the help from both the community and county are really making the difference.

“I’m glad I really am and I think that God’s coming sometime,” Adams said. “I think everybody is helping everybody out…it really shows, you know, a lot it’s really special… I think when it’s all over, we should have one big party.”

Other residents at the distribution like Kristie Parsels and Becky Rhodes, were not only getting supplies for their own household but neighbors as well.

“We live where there’s a lot of disabled people that can’t get around and so everybody is kind of coming together and trying to cook together and help each other,” Rhodes said. “Thank you to them, I will definitely be helping when I’m not in an emergency situation.”

Food for People will continue their emergency services and will take it day by day.

“We are happy that we’re able to provide what resources we can,” Robbins said. “We’re really hoping that Rio Dell will be able to, you know, get the power back on here soon and the water but until then, we’re going to be prepared to provide any assistance we can.”