Every one person who donates blood helps three people, here’s how easy it is


A common struggle for blood banks is the need for more donors and specific blood types. The Northern California Community Blood Bank in Eureka is always looking for more blood types O-positive, O-negative and A-positive. All-blood types are necessary. 

Redwood News reporter, Skylar Gaven went through the process of donating blood. It took about 45 minutes.

“It feels good, you know, a little nervous, and uncomfortable but you know if it’s helping people,” Gaven said. Even through the nerves helping people is a positive outcome. 

Another common situation for people who want to donate blood is iron deficiency. According to Dee Vallee, the Donor Recruiter, about a third of possible donors are deferred due to iron deficiency. 

“Iron foods,” said Vallee. “I take almonds every night, I’ll grab a handful of almonds, that helps, green vegetables and taking an iron supplement always helps, also.”

The Northern California Community Blood Bank takes walk-ins daily and people can also schedule their visit online. Snacks and drinks are provided at the facility if necessary.