Mountain lion spotted! Here are some tips if you ever encounter one


A mountain lion was spotted in Fortuna near the Sunrise Cemetery earlier this week.

“They’re very sly animals,” said Ian Keith, the Human Wildlife Conflict Biologist. “They want to be sneaky and not be noticed. I alerted the Fortuna PD (police department). If there’s deer around and you’re on the outskirts of town, especially in Humboldt County, that’s mountain lion territory.”

Common areas where wildlife or mountain lions can be seen are usually unpopulated and quiet places. Keith said it’s important to remember we share this land with a variety of different animals.

“It’s always tricky when two apex predators surprise each other, right? Us being one, the lion being the other,” Keith said. “You always want to make yourself big, make loud noises. And generally, even when you don’t see a lion, be loud, and make your presence known so you don’t surprise each other. Throw rocks at it. Don’t ever run from a bear or from a lion and just back away slowly.”

Also, ensure you are giving the animal space. If you do surprise it, give the animal a clear exit so if it becomes defensive it has a path to get away. Keith adds that this time of year there are more mountain lion sightings.

“Deer that hang around towns, the wild deer, they’re migrating from their higher summer foraging habitats down to their lower habitats where they forage, where it’s less cold,” Keith said. “The lions do follow. They follow their prey.”

Mountain lions are out and about during dusk and dawn. They can be out at other times of the day. Keith adds to keep your pets and livestock safe from wildlife.

If you see a mountain lion or other wildlife hanging around your neighborhood take a picture or video from a safe distance and send those to Redwood News.